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Thursday, August 23, 2012

QUESTION: Which of the following countries was not in competition for Korea in the 1870's?

ANSWER: England

QUESTION: Powerful banking and industrial families in Japan

ANSWER: Zaibatsu

QUESTION: American naval officer who opened Japan to trade

ANSWER: Mattew Perry

QUESTION: In a(n) ______, local rulers governed but western powers were in actual control.

ANSWER: Protectorate

QUESTION: A policy considered un-democratic by opponents

ANSWER: Imperialism

QUESTION: Which of the following was a cause of the Ottoman Empire's decline?

ANSWER: The weakening of the central government

QUESTION: Founder of Indian nationalism

ANSWER: Ram Mohun Roy

QUESTION: A single item grown for sale

ANSWER: Cash-crop

QUESTION: Indian Scholar who set up educational societies

ANSWER: Ram Mohum Roy

QUESTION: Which of the following was a result of the Sepoy Rebellion?

ANSWER: Britain began to rule India directly

QUESTION: The Sepay Rebellion was caused by

ANSWER: British insensitivity to Indian customs

QUESTION: Ruled Sikh Empire in Northwest India in the 1800's

ANSWER: Ranjit Singh

QUESTION: In Jean-Jaques Rousseau's concept of a social contract _________.

ANSWER: an entire society agrees to be governed by it's general will

QUESTION: To Voltaire and many other philosophies, the universe was ________.

ANSWER: Like a clock

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

QUESTION: Egyption leader who led the foundation for modern Egypt

ANSWER: Muhammad Ali

QUESTION: Greatly increased trade for Britain in India

ANSWER: Suez Canal

QUESTION: Cotton is considered a(n) ________ because it is sold on the world market.

ANSWER: cash crop

QUESTION: The destruction of an entire religious or ethnic group

ANSWER: genocide

QUESTION: Who is considered the "Father of Modern Egypt"

ANSWER: Muhammed Ali

QUESTION: Who proclaimed himself to be the Muslim savior?

ANSWER: Muhammed Ahmad

QUESTION: How did the Industrial Revolution encourage Imperialism?

ANSWER: It created a need for raw materials and markets

QUESTION: Imperialism was unsuccessful because?

ANSWER: Resistance was strong among educated nationalists

QUESTION: The Boer War was a fight over?

ANSWER: Control of the Transvaal

QUESTION: Well educated nationalists led to the resistance of the western Imperialist powers. True or False?


QUESTION: Which of the following was a cause of the Ottoman Empire's decline?

ANSWER: The weakening of the central government

QUESTION: What was the result of the Wahhabi movement?

ANSWER: It failed in Arabia, but the movement stayed alive

QUESTION: Muhammad Ali conquered all of the following nations, except _______.


QUESTION: King Leopold II of Belgium was one of the European rulers who maintained a good relationship with Africans. True or False?


QUESTION: The Boer War was fought between British and Boers over control of mines in the Transvaal. True or False?


QUESTION: France and Britain were the leading Imperialist countries. True or False?


QUESTION: All of the following are reasons why New Imperilism was successful EXCEPT

ANSWER: weak economies

QUESTION: Which of the following groups was against coloization

ANSWER: Nationalists

QUESTION: What is a Sphere of Influence?

ANSWER: An area where an outside power has exclusive investment and trading rights.

QUESTION: Which of the following was used as a justification for imperialism?

ANSWER: Social Darwinism

QUESTION: Supervised by local rulers and European advisors

ANSWER: protectorates

Sunday, August 12, 2012

QUESTION: All of the western Imperialist powers allowed local rule. True or False?


QUESTION: All of the following were reasons for expansion except

ANSWER: overpopulation

QUESTION: An area in which an outside power claimed exclusive investment or trading rights was called a(n) ________.

ANSWER: sphere of influence

QUESTION: Which country controlled most of Asia from 1880 to WWI?

ANSWER: Britain

QUESTION: All of the following were reasons that Imperialism failed except

ANSWER: World War I

QUESTION: The Boers were?

ANSWER: transplanted Dutch settlers.

QUESTION: Prior to the 1800's, Imperialism was economically based. True or False?



ANSWER: helped Ethiopia remain independent

QUESTION: New Imperialism spread because of all of the following, except

ANSWER: to stop the spread of Social Darwinism.

QUESTION: By WWI, all territories in Africe and the Mediterranean. True or False?


QUESTION: One of the ideas behind colonization was to create a new workforce that was

ANSWER: Cheaper

QUESTION: Which of these statements does not describe the importance of assimilation in Africa to Europeans?

ANSWER: Assimilation would encourage native people to create their own economies.

QUESTION: Which of the following was an end result of Imperialism in Africa?

ANSWER: Deteriorated economies for colonists

QUESTION: ______ was a New York journalist who explored the Congo River in the late 1800's?

ANSWER: Henry Stanley

QUESTION: The French established themselves in West Africa and claimed which island off the southwest coast as a protectorate?

ANSWER: Madagascar

QUESTION: European countries considered Africa to be a continent

ANSWER: Full of resources beneficial to European factories and trade.

QUESTION: Afrikaans

ANSWER: Boar Language

QUESTION: Who is credited with developing the process of vulcanization?

ANSWER: Charles Goodyear

QUESTION: Socialism began as a reform in response to the injustice and abuses of the ______ system.

ANSWER: Capitalist

QUESTION: Karl Marx, who wrote the Communist Manifesto, denounced _______.

ANSWER: Utopianism

QUESTION: Robert Owen, a socialist, was critical of this religious denomination. Name the denomination.

ANSWER: Church of England

QUESTION: Marx thought that the workers needed to unite and overthrow the capitalists government. True or False?


QUESTION: The proletariat were?

ANSWER: the workers

QUESTION: Democratic Socialism believed that they could change the system through winning political office. True of False?


QUESTION: _______ is the political system in which the government peacefully takes control of production, while the citizens retain partial control over economic planning.

ANSWER: Democratic Socialism

QUESTION: According the business cycle, a downturn in one industry is inevitable, but should have little effect on the rest of the economy. True or False?


QUESTION: Socialists felt that the government could improve conditions for all of society through colonialism and economic expansion. True or False?


QUESTION: Which of the following economic theorists believed that Utopian Socialism

ANSWER: Karl Marx

QUESTION: During industrialization, smaller businesses struggled to compete with large corporations because small businesses

ANSWER: Could not implement the cost cutting measures used by the large corporations.

QUESTION: Mass production requires all of the following EXCEPT

ANSWER: Training in each part of production

QUESTION: The Enclosure Movement

ANSWER: Combined smaller landholdings into larger landholdings

QUESTION: Mass Production

ANSWER: Producing large numbers of identical items

QUESTION: Low demand for products often results in all of the following, except?

ANSWER: A decrease in the unemployment rate

QUESTION: The innovation of using conveyor belts on an assembly line is attributed to

ANSWER: Henry Ford

QUESTION: Business Cycle

ANSWER: Alternating prosperity and decline

QUESTION: Domination of production of one product or service is called a

ANSWER: Monopoly

QUESTION: Mass production led to the development of interchargeable parts.


QUESTION: Cartels are corporations that control almost all of the production and sale of a single product.


QUESTION: In the Domestic System, how are workers paid?

ANSWER: By number of finished products.

QUESTION: Which of the following did not determine how much someone could make?

ANSWER: Products made

QUESTION: Factories were willing to employ woman and children because they

ANSWER: Worked for less money

QUESTION: Which of the following jobs would be held by a lower class woman at this time?

ANSWER: cook

QUESTION: The development of the middle class signaled a decline in the importance of nobility.


QUESTION: An oversupply of workers led to lower wages?


QUESTION: In the Domestic System, how are workers paid?

ANSWER: By number of finished products.

QUESTION: In cities such as Manchester, steam power resulted in new mills and factories that processed what product?

ANSWER: cotton

QUESTION: Which of the following jobs would have been held by a middle class woman?

ANSWER: Teacher

QUESTION: The Factory Act of 1833

ANSWER: Limited the hours a child could work how many hours a day.

QUESTION: Industrialization in Great Britain took place because of the poor state of their agriculture.


QUESTION: In the late 1700's, _________ replaced water as industry's major source of power.

ANSWER: steam

QUESTION: The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain because it had a favorable combination of all of the following, EXCEPT

ANSWER: tools