Review it is a blog I made to help out students and people, alike, get answers to school related questions, in this blog "REVIEW IT! World History" will answer history questions. Hope it helps all you fact finders and question askers out there.

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

QUESTION: Replaced royal government of Paris and fueled revolutions?

ANSWER: Paris Commune.

QUESTION: Who were the emigre?

ANSWER: Nobles who fled France.

QUESTION: What did the National Assembly do with Church lands they seized?

ANSWER: They sold the land to pay off debt.

QUESTION: The Tennis Court Oath was a promise to _____________.

ANSWER: Write a constitution.

QUESTION: Replaced provinces with departments and granted equality and power to the people?

ANSWER: Constitution of 1791.

QUESTION: The National Assembly made nobles ___________.

ANSWER: Pay taxes.

QUESTION: Ended the authority of priests and bishops?

ANSWER: Civil Constitution of the Clergy.

QUESTION: The bourgeoisie belonged to which of the following groups?

ANSWER: The Third Estate.

QUESTION: The wealthiest member of the Third Estate?

ANSWER: Bourgeosie.

QUESTION: Which of the following established a limited monarchy in France?

ANSWER: Constitution of 1791.